Full Name
Sammy Andrews
Job Title
Deviate Digital
Speaker Bio
Diarmuid has worked for over 20 years at the forefront of audio and visual media production – from the transition to online digital media production and the proliferation of digital audio technologies in the late 90's, to the explosion of interactive media and digital video that continues to evolve today. With a cross-discipline approach to creativity, he has led a wide spectrum of projects for top-tier clients such as the World DJ Champion, Manchester City FC, Harper Collins, Atlantic Records and he has produced music videos for multiple artists in the electronic/dance and indie music scenes using audio feature detection.

Moving towards interactive media systems, signal processing and automated creative processes in 2009 led Diarmuid to develop a video creation plugin for Ableton's music production software, which grew into the Rotor cloud-based video creation tool. Rotor specialises in automating video creation processes for the music industry using audio analysis, feature extraction and machine learning.
Sammy Andrews